Saturday, 19 February 2022

Another busy week

Seems like a long time ago since I was walking across the moors to get a pint in the Green Dragon at Hardraw, but in this week we had 2 more storm - yesterday's 'Eunice' was the worst for 40 years. Luckily not too bad in Leek, but Wales and the South got a hammering.

Busy at work, and seemed every night was another Zoom call

Sunday - We managed to stop at Val's for a few hours - Paul still isolating so we all went to local cafe for lunch and coffee. Lovely to see Val, Louise, Pepe, Autoro and Jack - so grown up.

Monday - Valentines so treated Deb to a night out - As you like it at the New Vic with a meal before hand. Never seen the play before but a young cast put a modern slant on it and we found it very entertaining. Shame it was only a quarter full - guess many still staying away or busy canoodling somewhere else.

Tuesday  evening was a Friends of the Earth special - Active Hope. 2 and half hours explaining how to make sense of the crazy world we live in - part buddist, part new age. Good if you don't have any responsibilities, but not sure who it works when leading a group too! Hazel and Maggie on it too

Wednesday - Off to inspect an ancient greenhouse that is looking for a new home - said yes, but now wondering where to put it and how to fit it on a sloping bed! Had nightmares the following night. Charity Quiz at night for Mayor's Funds - did rubbish in quiz but won first prize in the raffle - spa afternoon! That was soon donated back to Debs and Alice - I have been good this week :)

Thursday - Interesting meeting with Alton Towers and Refill - lots of potential joint working and great PR if we can get involved - fingers crossed. Another FOE Zoom at night - this was the ongoing series of workshops on campaigning. This week was about getting your message  over / Elevator Pitches - will look to use this with the Road Verge campaign.

Friday - The Storm! Red alerts across south and East - luckily not too bad here. Debs out at night so made a start on the presentation for the Repair Cafe launch , a letter to Councillors about the lack of any investment in the Cliamte Action Plan and some research into a walk I'm leading around the Weaver Hills. Dane Wolves had planned to do some night navigation but it was wisely cancelled. 

And back to today. Another wet and soggy day with bits of snow. Alice off to London to see a show and sight-see  . Her booked train was cancelled so she had to catch another and stand all the way :(

So time to redraft the letter to councillors and work through the 'How to set up a Repair Cafe' guides - launch meeting in two weeks !

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